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Academic Honor Code

Students are expected to exhibit and uphold academic integrity, striving for honest and ethical behavior as it relates to their scholastic work. Students are expected to do their own schoolwork; students may not receive or give unauthorized assistance in the preparation of any work required for submission for course credit, including examinations, essays, themes, reports, projects, or other homework. Students must give credit to sources consulted in research through proper documentation and citation. Students may not interfere with another student’s academic work. Students may not help another student commit an act of academic dishonesty.

The following are specific violations to the academic honor code:


Unauthorized use of notes, texts, or other print or electronic aids (calculators, cell phones, iPods, etc.) during a test or quiz.

Copying the work of others and/or allowing others to view your answers or copy your work during a test or quiz or on homework.

Allowing other parties to assist in the completion of your test, quiz, homework, paper, or project, when not permitted.

Helping or attempting to help another individual commit an act of academic dishonesty.

Obtaining an Unfair Advantage

Stealing, reproducing, circulating, or otherwise gaining access to examination materials prior to the time authorized by an instructor.

Retaining, possessing, using or circulating previously given examination materials, when those materials are to be returned to the instructor.

Intentionally obstructing or interfering with another student’s academic work, or otherwise undertaking activity with the purpose of creating or obtaining an unfair academic advantage over students’ academic work. (Based on University of Iowa Tippie College of Business Honor Code).



Presenting the work of others without proper acknowledgment.

Claiming the words and ideas of another as one’s own.

Failure to properly cite and specifically credit the source of both text and web materials in papers, projects, or other assignments.


Altering a score, grade, or schedule change on an academic record.

Forging the signature of a teacher, administrator, counselor, or other staff member without proper authorization