Junior High Course List
7th Grade Courses
Full Year Courses
Language Arts
Language Arts 7 supports student growth in the writing process, including prewriting, drafting, revision, peer feedback, and editing. Common products include argumentative essay, personal belief essay, personal narrative, poetry, poetry analysis, a speech, and research writing.
Literacy 7 and Literacy 7E
Lit 7 and Lit 7E are courses in which the goal is to help students learn strategies to become engaged, fluent, and competent readers with informational and literary texts that are encountered in the personal and academic lives of students. Literacy 7E is a credit option for students enrolled in Literacy 7. Students are expected to meet higher performance standards. For each major unit, students will work from a list of advanced activities.
Global Studies
Global Studies is a course, which examines cultures and geographic characteristics of selected world areas emphasizing interdependence, the scarcity of resources, environmental problems, different governments, and cultural diversity. The concept-focused curriculum features inquiry lessons, role playing, simulation activities and skill exercises to achieve the objectives of each unit. A major goal for students in Global Studies is to understand the world as a global system, see themselves as participants in that system, and recognize the benefits, costs, rights and responsibilities inherent in such participation.
Science 7
This course is a survey of general science content. Topics covered included life, physical and earth science concepts. This is the first of two courses designed to offer all students a strong foundation in all the science disciplines. A variety of learning modalities are used in this course to make science accessible to all students. This course addresses the ICCSD standards and benchmarks.
Most students take Math 7 or pre-Algebra for their math class. Placement is determined by student need.
Math 7
Math 7 is designed for students with a wide range of mathematical interest and ability. Students will have the opportunity to reason and communicate proficiency in math by solving a variety of problems with real-life applications. Students will demonstrate their understanding of computation, symbol manipulation and the use of mathematical tools, resources and procedures. This course will prepare students for Pre-Algebra 8.
Pre-Algebra is a course that builds on basic math skills to develop algebra, geometry, and other general mathematics concepts, including measurement and basic algebra with real numbers. It is designed for students who have demonstrated the ability to accurately compute with whole numbers, fractions, and decimals. Students will represent mathematical situations and solve problems using a variety of methods, tools, techniques, and strategies. Pre-Algebra 7 is an accelerated course and will prepare students for Algebra 1 in grade 8. Pre-Algebra 8 will prepare students for Algebra 1 or Algebra 1A in grade 9.
Trimester Courses
Personal Development 7
Personal Development is health education. Health education teaches about physical, mental, emotional and social health. It motivates students to improve and maintain their health, prevent disease, and reduce risky behaviors. Health education curricula and instruction help students learn skills they will use to make healthy choices throughout their lifetime.
Family & Consumer Science
Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS I) curriculum provides learning experiences in life and careers, financial literacy and resources, food/nutrition and wellness, workplace safety and sanitation principles, human development, and relationships. We will briefly explore sewing and design technologies for future careers. This class will focus on 21st Century Skills and employability practices.
Physical Education (Edgenuity/Independent Study)
This course is designed to provide each student with the knowledge, concepts and skills needed to engage in a physically active, healthy lifestyle throughout life. Using a wide variety of activities, the major goal of this course is to develop the students’ gross and fine motor coordination through exposure to a variety of physical activity. Focus also included health related fitness, lifetime physical activity, and health/wellness concepts and skills. Participation in class activities is emphasized to provide a positive experience. This program instills in students the concept that living life actively and dynamically is vital to a healthy lifestyle. Students will meet with a PE teacher once a week to learn the content of the course. Students will log two to three workouts per week with options to participate in live Zoom classes or complete the workouts on their own
Elective Courses
This course is an exploratory course that offers students a variety of art techniques and a study of art history. Students are encouraged to think, be creative, share ideas, explore new approaches and appreciate a variety of cultural diversity in art. Students who are interested in art are encouraged to take Art in 7th grade to enable them to take Art Elective in 8th grade.
Music Technology
Music Tech meets every day for one trimester. It is an exploratory course that introduces, reviews or extends learning about the elements of music through activities, the use of technology and “hands-on” experiences on the acoustic guitar, keyboard, electric guitar, electric bass, trap set, and voice processor. Students are encouraged to discover what avenue of music may interest them for the rest of their life (be it a performer or as a consumer) and to become conscious of the value that music has in their life. This course is required for students not participating in a year-long performance music class or anyone who does not complete the entire year of their performance music class. Also available to any 7th or 8th grader as their schedule allows.
Hear My Voice
Hear My Voice is designed for students who want to develop personal expression through music. Students engage with hip-hop, beat-making, songwriting, and other forms of popular music that students have long enjoyed outside of school, exploring social and cultural aspects of music as it relates to their lives and identities. As a student-centered class, the teacher follows the lead of the individuals in the room and serves as more of a musical coach than director. Hear My Voice culminates with a personal project at the end of the trimester.
Writers’ Workshop
Writers’ Workshop encourages students to pursue individual interests in creative and expository writing. Skill-based mini-lessons are used to inspire and focus writers’ ideas. This course provides opportunities for students to experiment with many different kinds of writing, both public writing and personal writing. Students write about their opinions, feelings, and experiences, as well as experiment with fictional situations and poetic forms.
Book Club
Too busy to read? Can’t find time in your busy schedule to enjoy the latest cool books? Then this is the class for you. Read, talk with others, read, do a project, read, book-talk, read, read, read. This class is for anyone who likes to read and reads independently. In addition to reading, students will participate in classroom activities, which may include literature circles, literary letters, book-talks, and book projects.
Keyboarding and Applications (Edgenuity)
This is an elective course for 7th and 8th graders. Most of the trimester is spent learning the fundamentals of the keyboard. Emphasis is placed on developing the touch method of keyboarding and improving speed and accuracy. Time will also be spent on desktop publishing, formatting, and coding. This course is every other day
8th Grade Courses
Full Year Courses
Language Arts
Language Arts 7 supports student growth in the writing process, including prewriting, drafting, revision, peer feedback, and editing. Common products include argumentative essay, personal belief essay, personal narrative, poetry, poetry analysis, a speech, and research writing.
Literacy 7 and Literacy 7E
Lit 7 and Lit 7E are courses in which the goal is to help students learn strategies to become engaged, fluent, and competent readers with informational and literary texts that are encountered in the personal and academic lives of students. Literacy 7E is a credit option for students enrolled in Literacy 7. Students are expected to meet higher performance standards. For each major unit, students will work from a list of advanced activities.
Global Studies
Global Studies is a course, which examines cultures and geographic characteristics of selected world areas emphasizing interdependence, the scarcity of resources, environmental problems, different governments, and cultural diversity. The concept-focused curriculum features inquiry lessons, role playing, simulation activities and skill exercises to achieve the objectives of each unit. A major goal for students in Global Studies is to understand the world as a global system, see themselves as participants in that system, and recognize the benefits, costs, rights and responsibilities inherent in such participation.
Science 7
This course is a survey of general science content. Topics covered included life, physical and earth science concepts. This is the first of two courses designed to offer all students a strong foundation in all the science disciplines. A variety of learning modalities are used in this course to make science accessible to all students. This course addresses the ICCSD standards and benchmarks.
Most students take Math 7 or pre-Algebra for their math class. Placement is determined by student need.
Math 7
Math 7 is designed for students with a wide range of mathematical interest and ability. Students will have the opportunity to reason and communicate proficiency in math by solving a variety of problems with real-life applications. Students will demonstrate their understanding of computation, symbol manipulation and the use of mathematical tools, resources and procedures. This course will prepare students for Pre-Algebra 8.
Pre-Algebra is a course that builds on basic math skills to develop algebra, geometry, and other general mathematics concepts, including measurement and basic algebra with real numbers. It is designed for students who have demonstrated the ability to accurately compute with whole numbers, fractions, and decimals. Students will represent mathematical situations and solve problems using a variety of methods, tools, techniques, and strategies. Pre-Algebra 7 is an accelerated course and will prepare students for Algebra 1 in grade 8. Pre-Algebra 8 will prepare students for Algebra 1 or Algebra 1A in grade 9.
Trimester Courses
Personal Development 7
Personal Development is health education. Health education teaches about physical, mental, emotional and social health. It motivates students to improve and maintain their health, prevent disease, and reduce risky behaviors. Health education curricula and instruction help students learn skills they will use to make healthy choices throughout their lifetime.
Family & Consumer Science
Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS I) curriculum provides learning experiences in life and careers, financial literacy and resources, food/nutrition and wellness, workplace safety and sanitation principles, human development, and relationships. We will briefly explore sewing and design technologies for future careers. This class will focus on 21st Century Skills and employability practices.
Physical Education (Edgenuity/Independent Study)
This course is designed to provide each student with the knowledge, concepts and skills needed to engage in a physically active, healthy lifestyle throughout life. Using a wide variety of activities, the major goal of this course is to develop the students’ gross and fine motor coordination through exposure to a variety of physical activity. Focus also included health related fitness, lifetime physical activity, and health/wellness concepts and skills. Participation in class activities is emphasized to provide a positive experience. This program instills in students the concept that living life actively and dynamically is vital to a healthy lifestyle. Students will meet with a PE teacher once a week to learn the content of the course. Students will log two to three workouts per week with options to participate in live Zoom classes or complete the workouts on their own
Elective Courses
This course is an exploratory course that offers students a variety of art techniques and a study of art history. Students are encouraged to think, be creative, share ideas, explore new approaches and appreciate a variety of cultural diversity in art. Students who are interested in art are encouraged to take Art in 7th grade to enable them to take Art Elective in 8th grade.
Music Technology
Music Tech meets every day for one trimester. It is an exploratory course that introduces, reviews or extends learning about the elements of music through activities, the use of technology and “hands-on” experiences on the acoustic guitar, keyboard, electric guitar, electric bass, trap set, and voice processor. Students are encouraged to discover what avenue of music may interest them for the rest of their life (be it a performer or as a consumer) and to become conscious of the value that music has in their life. This course is required for students not participating in a year-long performance music class or anyone who does not complete the entire year of their performance music class. Also available to any 7th or 8th grader as their schedule allows.
Hear My Voice
Hear My Voice is designed for students who want to develop personal expression through music. Students engage with hip-hop, beat-making, songwriting, and other forms of popular music that students have long enjoyed outside of school, exploring social and cultural aspects of music as it relates to their lives and identities. As a student-centered class, the teacher follows the lead of the individuals in the room and serves as more of a musical coach than director. Hear My Voice culminates with a personal project at the end of the trimester.
Writers’ Workshop
Writers’ Workshop encourages students to pursue individual interests in creative and expository writing. Skill-based mini-lessons are used to inspire and focus writers’ ideas. This course provides opportunities for students to experiment with many different kinds of writing, both public writing and personal writing. Students write about their opinions, feelings, and experiences, as well as experiment with fictional situations and poetic forms.
Book Club
Too busy to read? Can’t find time in your busy schedule to enjoy the latest cool books? Then this is the class for you. Read, talk with others, read, do a project, read, book-talk, read, read, read. This class is for anyone who likes to read and reads independently. In addition to reading, students will participate in classroom activities, which may include literature circles, literary letters, book-talks, and book projects.
Keyboarding and Applications (Edgenuity)
This is an elective course for 7th and 8th graders. Most of the trimester is spent learning the fundamentals of the keyboard. Emphasis is placed on developing the touch method of keyboarding and improving speed and accuracy. Time will also be spent on desktop publishing, formatting, and coding. This course is every other day