High School Program
Get the same comprehensive, high-ranking education we offer at all of the District’s high schools with the High School ICCSD Online Program. Our students have the opportunity to build their own educational plans to focus on their academic needs.
Parents with students in ICCSD Online appreciate the high-quality learning environment with certified teachers taking the lead. ICCSD Online curriculum aligns to the Iowa Core, so parents always know that their students are getting a high quality education consistent with other students in Iowa.
In order to offer a full array of courses, some secondary courses will be offered through Edgenuity. These classes combine rigorous content with direct-instruction videos from expert, on-screen teachers with interactive learning tools and resources to engage and motivate students.
- Academic Eligibility
- Course Load
- Criteria for Retaking a Course
- Early Graduation
- Fee Waiver Policy
- Grade Progression
- Guidelines for Schedule Adjustments
- Level Changes
- NCAA & NAIA Eligibility
- Withdrawal from a Course