Frequently Asked Questions
Will my student have the same teacher all day?
No. Your student will have a consistent teacher for the morning meeting every day. This teacher will also teach one or more of the core subjects, but teachers who are specially trained to teach art, music, and PE will teach their respective subject areas.
What will my child's schedule look like? Will it be flexible?
Check out our schedules for Preschool or K-6. ICCSD Online students will have some schedule flexibility during the day to explore their own interests.
What is the attendance protocol for online learning?
Attendance will be taken whenever a class meets together. This is so parents know if their child was present. Attendance is expected for the class sessions, but there are asynchronous aspects of instruction. Achievement is measured by a student’s participation throughout their learning, rather than solely on attendance.
Will my child have paper-pencil opportunities?
Yes, students will write both by hand complete activities digitally on shared platforms. Students will submit their written work by uploading pictures of their work to their teacher.
What programs/platforms will my child use?
Students will use Google Workspace, Canvas, and Zoom to engage in class activities. Teachers also incorporate real time interaction on apps or webtools such as, padlet, peardeck and jamboards.
When will my child attend specials and are they required?
Our specials include art, music, physical education, and library. These are highly energetic classes, and can be the highlight to a student’s week.
How will I know my child is meeting the same expectations as a face to face student?
Students in ICCSD Online take part in all of the same standardized learning opportunities as students in on-site programs. All of the classes follow the same pacing guides and the curriculum as the on-site classes.
Junior High
High School
Can ICCSD Online support 100% asynchronous learners?
In some cases, students may require maximum flexibility of 100% asynchronous learning. In these cases, which must be approved by the Director of Online Learning, students will enroll in the curriculum by Edgenuity, or another comparable program, and/or complete all coursework in a class via Canvas.
How many hours will be spent in synchronous learning?
A full-time online student will have a maximum of 4 synchronous classes a day. These may all be in the morning or all in the afternoon or a combination of morning or afternoon. When signing up for classes, students can give preference for either AM or PM or mark no preference, in which they may be assigned classes both morning and afternoon.
h4>How much asynchronous learning is appropriate?Research on best practices indicates that 3 to 3.5 hours of zoom classes is the maximum for students from 12 to 18 years of age.
What are office hours?
Office hours are a time on asynchronous days when teachers are available to work with students either individually or in small groups. Office hours are available via Zoom link . Students are welcome to either drop in to meet with their teacher or schedule a time.
What happens on asynchronous learning days?
It is important for students to keep up with the learning even on days when classes are not meeting, also known as asynchronous learning days. Students will access class materials via Canvas, which is an online learning management system. The class materials, including assignments, handouts, assessments, videos, and other curricular materials, are all available via Canvas. Online learners will access Canvas every day to engage in their learning.
What will the schedule look like?
Take a look at our Schedule page for more information.
Enrollment and Registration
I am an on-site student. How can I register for online classes?
At the time of registration, students will indicate whether they want to take online classes in the morning or afternoon sessions. We will then determine their online schedule based on these preferences. Students who don’t indicate a time preference will be assigned to online classes according to the class availability.
Can on-site students take classes in both on-site and online classes?
Yes. High school students can elect to take classes in the online program. They will select to take online classes in either the AM or PM session. Students are registering to take a minimum of two online classes in addition to their on-site classes.
Will students in ICCSD Online be able to participate in on-site co-curricular activities?
Yes, students can participate in on-site co-curricular activities at their home school. For more information, visit Athletics and Extracurriculars.
Can students who are enrolled at City, Liberty, Tate, and West also take online classes?
Students in grades 9-12 are able to dual enroll in online classes as well as on-site classes. Dual enrollment students are able to take online classes in the AM session or the PM session. The expectation is that most students will participate in the online classes from an off-campus location.
How does PE work online?
Students in ICCSD Online have two options for completing the PE requirement.
- One trimester: Attend virtual class 2x/week in addition to verified workouts 5x/week (total of 60)
- Year-long: Attend virtual class 1x/week in addition to verified workouts 2x/week; will earn 1.67 credits/trimester (for total of 5 for the year)
- Verified workouts consist of heart rate monitor data and/or coach verification
- Can use school sponsored sports or outside activities to log workouts Still need to have at least one workout per week from a different category
- Must still use heart rate monitor if possible (coach letter from any sport is not enough)
- PE Sport Waiver for seniors still applies
- Students must have 2+ online classes to qualify for online PE.
How many classes a week will a student be responsible for attending?
A full-time high school student will take 6 classes with the option of adding PE. Classes meet 2-3/week with AP classes generally meeting 3/week, so a full-time student would attend between 12-18 classes/week.
How will Honors courses work in ICCSD Online?
Honors level coursework will be embedded within the traditional course. In other words, there will be no separate Honors course for a given subject. Those students choosing the honors level will be provided with expanded content within the traditional framework of the course.
What will the classes in ICCSD Online look like?
What separates ICCSD online from other online programs is the quality of our online classes. Students in our high school program will attend online zoom classes 2-3 times/week. During the class, teachers will interact live with students and answer questions, present information, model skills and clarify expectations.
In addition, students will interact with their classmates and the teacher in activities designed to enhance their learning. For the student who needs maximum flexibility, teachers will videotape their presentations but there is no easy substitute for the online classroom experience. Expectations for students who are not able to attend synchronous classes include scheduling time to meet 1-1 with the teacher and meeting all the assignment deadlines of the class.
Student Expectations and Support
How will non-native English speakers be supported in ICCSD Online?
ICCSD Online will provide ELL students with an ELL teacher and appropriate ELL support. The English Language Learner Program offers high-quality English language instruction and support for ELLs to meet academic standards through a curriculum aligned to IA Core and English Language Proficiency Standards in all subject areas.
Students who are not yet proficient in the English language are assessed according to state/federal guidelines and placed in language development courses as part of their general education program. Courses are offered for beginning, intermediate, and advanced English learners and provide explicit instruction in all of the language domains (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) with an emphasis on developing academic language proficiency. Sheltered content courses for ELLs provide support in learning core subject matter while promoting language development.
How will structurally disadvantaged students be supported in the ICCSD Online?
ICCSD is committed to providing an engaging learning experience for all students and ensuring that all students are supported in their learning. We are also aware that institutional racism exists in all educational organizations and are committed to absolving any racism in our own district. For any student who has been victimized by such racism, we have a number of supports available for students in the online program.
How will we meet the technology needs of students in the ICCSD Online?
In and out of district students will be provided with a Chromebook and access to all necessary online subscriptions to complete their coursework.
My child has an IEP. How will they be supported in ICCSD Online?
Students with IEPs will have a case manager teacher and access to all the requirements of their individualized education plan. A student's IEP team will meet and determine how they will access a Free and Appropriate Public Education.
We don’t have a fast internet connection. Can we still take part in ICCSD Online?
Students who reside within the ICCSD are available to receive internet access through the District.
What will be the expectations for online learners?
- Attend all scheduled class meeting times via Zoom and engage with your teacher and classmates as we study the curriculum. Use your preferred name during Zoom meetings.
- Ask questions and use your voice during Zoom meetings.
- On asynchronous days, log in to the Canvas course web page every day and allot roughly 40 minutes of time to engage with the material and complete the required learning tasks.
- All materials can be accessed through the Canvas course page. If, for some reason, you cannot access a document, please let the instructor know right away.
- Student grades will be determined based upon Performance Assessments and Daily Work. The goal of daily work is to monitor student learning to provide ongoing feedback that can be used by both students and the teacher to improve learning. The goal of performance assessments is to evaluate student learning by comparing it against a specific standard or benchmark.
- Summative assessments will be used to more accurately reflect what students know and can do. Summative assessments will be weighted 85% of the student grade while formative assessments will be weighted 15%. This results in the grade emphasizing skill mastery.
- A student who achieves below 75% (level of proficiency) will be allowed to retake any summative assessments. If the student elects to do so, the highest score that a student can achieve on the retake is 80%.
Zoom Expectations
- Cameras on
- Two-way engagement
- Appropriate language
- Students will identify with their preferred school name
- Take classes from an isolated setting and mute the microphone when not speaking.
Expectations for Asynchronous learning days
- Log into Canvas every day and allot 40 minutes for each class engaging with the material and completing the required learning tasks.
What will be the expectations for parents of students in the ICCSD Online?
Parents need to provide students in the ICCSD Online a quiet place that is free of distractions so that the student can engage in learning. Parents should monitor their student’s frustration level and communicate with the teacher via email if the student needs more support than they are receiving. Parents should not participate in the actual classes along with their child nor should they be on camera, but they may support their child as needed during class time.