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Elementary Program

Classroom community is at the heart of the K-6 ICCSD Online program. Students enrolled in elementary courses will get the best of both worlds: robust online studies complete with teacher and peer collaboration. Students gain classroom experience, 1-on-1 interaction with their teachers, and establish rewarding relationships in their learning cohort.

Parents with students in ICCSD Online appreciate the high-quality learning environment with certified teachers taking the lead. ICCSD Online curriculum aligns to the Iowa Core, so parents always know that their students are getting a high quality education consistent with other students in Iowa.

Our K-6 Program has been optimized to balance the academic and social emotional needs of younger learners with the guidelines for appropriate screen and virtual learning time set out by the National Standards for Quality Online Courses. 

K-6 Schedule

Students will have regular synchronous lessons in Language Arts and Math on a daily basis and Social Studies and Science on a weekly basis. In addition, they will be a part of a class structure with a teacher and consistent classmates. There is a combination of synchronous virtual and asynchronous lessons during the course of the day, leaving plenty of flexible time for students who need it. Extended Learning Program, English Language Learning and interventions can increase this time.

The elementary day for ICCSD Online consists of a series of virtual classes of large group and small group learning. Take a look at the current school year's time schedule for to see what a typical day looks like.

Class Descriptions

Progress Reporting

Parent conferences are held twice a year, once in the fall and once in the spring. The purpose of these conferences is to report how your student is progressing in academic content and in their social development. A student's end-of-the-year report is emailed on the last day of classes.

The report gives input for all curricular areas and social development. Throughout the year parents and teachers also informally exchange information regarding their student's work and progress. Open communication between parents and teachers is encouraged.